This is the message the Lord gave to Brother Hosanna David. On the 17th of August 2015, as I slept on my bed in the night the Spirit of the Lord woke me up. He said, “Take a biro and a book and write down everything I am going to tell you.

This is a warning to humankind. Let those who have ears hear what the Lord is saying to the Churches

The Implications of Fornication and Adultery – Demonic Attacks

I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Fornication opens up your spiritual gates and makes you prone to attacks. Through this illicit relationship, Satan injects his venom into the destiny of my children. Demons gain entrance, bite and suck blood. Sex outside marriage destroys all forms of spiritual immunity and protection. It is a dangerous adventure.

“It doesn’t end with just cheating on your spouse but the seed of hatred is sown into your heart against your spouse in the process. When you exchange money for sex with a satanic agent you engage in the transaction of exchanging your finances for sex. It is a very successful and effective means of rendering people, especially men, who are breadwinners of their families penniless.

“No one that flirts can defeat Satan. When men commit sexual sins, Satan gains victory over them. The man who knows how to pray and exercises authority through my word of power is dangerous to the works of darkness. But he who can do this yet womanizes is an empty vessel – a clanging cymbal.

“Thousands of human’s sperms are taken to the water world each day. Woe to that man whose sperm is taken to the water kingdoms! His destiny and life can be devoured by the devil without much stress because His seeds are already caged. He can be accessed through his seeds. His future is not hid from his enemies and Satan himself. He lives at the mercy of the devil, unless he gets delivered in time. It removes divine provision and makes men to struggle in life.

Pre-marital sex especially is the easiest way through which people are initiated into the kingdoms of darkness. Virgins that are not bonded to anybody through sex are Satan’s target. They are like new ropes that tie better. They bond easily with demonic attachments because they have no soul-tie or sexual spiritual bonds. No one who breaks this law has ever succeeded in life. When I say succeed, I mean according to my design of such individual’s destiny.”


“A lot of destinies have been diverted through the use of the tool called sex. A lot of people God sends into the world to carry out several assignments end up being diverted into doing other things. Just as the Magi saw the star of Jesus Christ when He was born, so also spiritual astrologers see the destinies stars of many children and mount pressure on them on every side in order to gain control over their destinies. Real success in life is destiny fulfillment. A man can be rich and seen as a successful man but that does not mean that he is succeeding; except he lives according to God’s own designs, he is a failure.”


(Matt. 5:27-28)

The Lord spoke to me further about lust. He said, “Son of man open your mouth and speak against lust. Do not lust after the one you are not married to. Lust opens up your soul for attacks. There are five different attacks through lust:

  1. “The one who is lusting loses spiritual sensitivity at that moment. He becomes dull in the spirit. There is a huge gap between his spirit and that of God living inside of him.
  2. “Lust is cheating. It is cheating on the Lord. When the human mind is in the right frame, he fellowships with God in his spirit and mind but when one lusts, one passes through a back door by having a momentary fellowship with another, other than the Lord. It puts on hold the continuous spiritual fellowship God enjoys with His children.
  3. “Lust is stealing: When someone lusts after a woman, such one covets the soul of the person he lusts after. When someone steals, he takes what belongs to another person without permission and often secretly. The one who lusts doesn’t take permission from the one he coverts his soul. He does that secretly too. To the one whose soul is coveted, no sin is imputed. The one who dresses seductively is guiltier than the one who lusts after him or her. “My son let your ears be open to hear mysteries from my own mouth. No one must let another covet his or her soul because it is dangerous and it is also sinful. Sex goes      beyond the union of the flesh but it is also a spiritual union (1 Cor. 6:16), even more.  Sex opens up your spiritual life for access. You cannot hide your secrets from the one who accesses your life.
  4. “Lust leads to fellowship with the unknown. The one who lusts may not know, in most cases, the one whose soul he covets. Through lust, there is a spiritual submission of your soul for access and fellowship, just as it is with sex. If the one you lust after is possessed with demons, you are bonded with the spirit in that person emotionally and spiritually. Know that the evil spirit in the person you lust after is more sensitive than you spiritually. As you lust after the person the spirit in that person senses radiation and invitation for fellowship and quickly yields. If this continues, I mean the lust, the evil spirit in that person can create a bond between itself and you, which may either turn out to the evil spirit gaining a direct entrance into your body or/and it opens the way for other evil spirits to come in.
  5. “Lust is an attack on the mind. The mind that lusts is under attack. Demons and their agents have various ways of attacking the human mind with lust. It may come in form of suggestion. Such suggestions should immediately be rebuked and canceled with the word of God.


The Lord further revealed to me how Satan works with lust. These are purely demonic and satanic agents’ activities against the targets.

The Lord revealed to me and said:

  • “Lust comes through the shooting or spraying of lust waves into the atmosphere. This mesmerizes the victim under attack and makes the victim feels sexy, develops sexual desires and lusts.
  • It could be through sounds, commonly in form of voiced words or sounds. Such words or sounds gain entrance into you and appeal to your inner mind to submit to the power behind it so that your mind can be opened for entrance and your soul made submissive for proper manipulation. Whenever you notice a hypnotizing voice, pray in your mind and cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus Christ so that you can overcome.
  • A demonic spirit could be directly present to appeal to your spirit through demonic and magical means. This may take a long time but if you are spiritually sensitive and you notice the presence of demonic forces, release the Blood of Jesus Christ and the fire of the Holy Ghost upon yourself and your environment. Do not stop there but also bind the demonic powers too, lest they return again when the atmosphere is conducive enough for them to resume operation. Do not give the devil a foothold (Eph. 4:27) but put on your spiritual amour on so that you can defeat the devil” (Gal. 6:11).
  • “Lust could be induced and instigated through a direct touch. Such a touch transfers spiritual electrical current into your body and it makes you weak to resist the wave of lust. Such touches may be with the person’s sexual organ, lips (through a kiss), hand, etc. Such a touch tends to make you lose your control through the use of demonic magnetic powers.


“There are hundreds of diseases the devil introduce into the Earth each year. One of the ways through which these diseases are passed on to humans and are spread is sex. Satanic Agents, both males and females, (but females are more) are sent into the world from the water kingdom. Their assignment is to sleep with as many people as they can so that they can pollute them with these diseases. Old diseases are not left out too, they are equally spread. Their major targets are people that are promiscuous. This is because whosoever that has been polluted has the potentials of polluting any other person he/she sleeps with, but many a times unknowingly.

“Tell my people that the number one cause of barrenness is pre-marital and extra-marital sex. Have I not said it in my word that the harlot ‘shall commit whoredom, and shall not increase’? (Hosea 4:0).

“When the devil launches his attack of barrenness into marriages, he accuses the couples of breaking God’s laws and of being unfaithful to their spouses. He therefore demands that justice be meted out to those that break the laws of God. Man’s ignorance has cost him a lot of things yet he has not seen any meaningful reason why he must keep the laws of God faithfully.

“Many bad and addictive habits like smoking stem out of fornication and adultery. When a man engages in unlawful sex, the spiritual walls of protection are broken down. This gives room for opportunistic habits to spring up through heavy demonic manipulations and influence. It also gives the devil power to destroy or reduce the will power of such an individual. Through demonic suppression and control, such an individual starts loosing self-control, over time. As a result, the will to resist smoking and drinking will becomes reduced or totally lacking.

This is one of the reasons women whose husbands commit adultery complain that their husbands now do things they usually condemn since strange women enter their lives.”


“The earth is a battle ground, a place the devil battles for the souls of men. Not many know how the devil battles to conquer them. The devil is cunning and calculative. If he gets your destiny through his deceptive ways, it is difficult for you to retrieve it back except through God’s intervention. A lot of destinies have been reduced and as a result they shrink inward. One of the worst tools the devil uses is to make man feel safe in the midst of the ongoing fierce war is sexual immorality. This makes man vulnerable to his attacks, because he is not watching. There are not many tools like sex, so effectively and successfully used by the devil.