The Lord gave Brother Hosanna David this warning message to mankind. It is about the grip Satan gains over people’s lives through their use of pornography. Here’s the message below:
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“In a vision I saw one of the top Nigerian musicians with his twin brother doing a fasting and prayer programme so that they will be delivered from the consequences of watching pornography in the past. The Holy Spirit said to me “When a single person watches pornography, the consequences are not as devastating like someone who watches the pornography with their spouse. There are marriages that have been completely taken over by evil spirits in course of the couples watching pornography.
Warn mankind that anyone who watches pornography opens up their soul for demonic access. Multiple pathways are created in the process hence the high spiritual fights those who watch pornography face.
When one person watches pornography demons gain limited access to the person, but when a couple watches pornography all hindrances are removed. When the two that make up one flesh agree to be accessed, a firm grip on their marriage and family is unavoidable. When one disagrees, the grip is less. When a man or a woman watches pornography, they accept the person in the video or picture they make love to. As they get aroused and pour out their emotions, their souls open up for access. This is because sex allows the opening up of a person for access so that they can become one with the person they make love to.
Every nakedness that is captured by a camera violates the honor and privacy of sex and mankind. This violation gives demons the right to infest such material to weaponize it against mankind. This is why Satan encourages people to expose their nakedness and also promote nakedness.”