On the 30th of March 2019 I was counselling a young man on WhatsApp call. After a while I lost internet connection and I slept off. God gave me a dream. I saw a lady that was doing exercise. She sat down with her legs stretched forward. She was bending herself to enable her forehead to touch her knees. I was looking at her from behind. As she bent over, though she was wearing something, of which I do not know if it was a skirt, gown, trousers or shorts, I noticed that what wore shifted from her waist making her panties to be exposed. From personal assessment I know she did not expose her panties intentionally. I noticed that the outerwear was loose over her waist, hereby making it to shift down and to open. Even though her wear shifted to expose her undies she continued her exercise without adjusting what she was wearing, she just continued.
Here’s another message God gave me about women wearing tights.
Then I heard the voice of the LORD speaking to me. He said, “Any lady that dresses to expose her panties to spread immorality cannot enter my kingdom. You cannot use your body to spread immorality on earth and expect yourself to enter my kingdom. Anyone who does sports and uses panties publicly cannot enter my kingdom. If the (sport’s) standard of dressing is immoral then you must not join them. Those who set that standard are my enemies. They will face me on the Day of Judgement to give account. Therefore, don’t submit yourself to their immoral standard of dressing since you will not give account to them on the Judgement Day, but me. This warning is also for those who wear transparent, short, revealing or tight clothes that expose their undies. If your appearance causes people to lust and the lust sends them to Hell Fire, be rest assured that the Scripture cannot be broken; I have said, ‘It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!’
Warning to those who get entertained by women wearing panties
The Lord also said to me, “My son tell those who are entertained by those who dress half naked or go completely naked that they are as guilty as those who spread such immorality. This is a command from me, those who disobey me shall answer on the Last Day.”
Female Sport Wears: Before and Now
Many females’ sports have been highly sexualised. It is not getting better at all. Many Christians no longer see anything wrong with men watching ladies wearing bikini doing sports.
Just take a look at the journey of the sexualisation of the dressing code of women in sports.
Today the story is different, the worship of sex is almost taking over sportsand the world. Bikini has become the standard of dressing for some sports. God’s judgment is coming upon the children of disobedience.