On the 16th of July 2020 I saw visions in which I saw a young man sitting down. A man asked him, “where are those with whom you masturbate?” The young man answered and said “No one. I don’t masturbate with anyone.” Then the man asked him, “What about those you watch when you masturbate? They are not with you physically but they join you in the act. Why do you lift up your soul unto vanity?” As I heard what the man said Psalm 24:4 came to my mind. I concluded in my heart in the vision that the man just quoted Psalm 24:4.
The Holy Spirit then revealed to me saying, “When one watches pornography and engages his/her in any sexual activity, the demonic spirits to whom the pornographic materials are dedicated to or the demonic spirits that possess the pornographic materials go to join the person watching the porn and participate in whatsoever sexual activity the person engages his/herself. This is one major means Satan gets many polluted and even initiated into his kingdom today.”
Then I saw an iron stamp. I did not see any words written on it but there was something that looks like a complex symbol or a logo. The Spirit of the Lord said to me, “Anyone who watches pornography has a spiritual mark on their foreheads. The iron stamp you saw is used to mark anyone who watches pornography. The mark is a mark of influence. It helps demonic entities to identify the bearer as one under their influence. Marine powers are in charge of the iron stamp you saw. The influence is not as strong as the one an agent of darkness has over the person they have sex with physically. This influence acts as a doorway to the influx of other vices and sexual sins. But for one who is addicted to porn, the influence is very powerful and direct. Such one’s willpower is sealed in a cocoon. They have no strength to do what they want to do but the dictates of the powers that capture them.”
In another vision I saw the chaffs of palm fruits. They were very dry, ready to be set on fire. Then the Spirit of the Lord said to me, “Pornography prepares the hearts of viewers ready for every kind of sexual sins. This is why many who view porn struggle with overcoming other things.”
Again I saw an evil black hand that looks like that of a mighty giant. The hand picked up a human being. The person looked very small in the hand I saw. Then I heard a voice saying, “If you do not belong to the devil then leave his properties alone”. The properties of the devil referred to was pornography. I believe that this vision of a mighty hand that picked up a man effortlessly is a description of how powerful the bondage of pornography addiction is. It is time to break free. Give your life to Jesus Christ and ask God to deliver you from the bondage of sexual sins. Seek for help and be serious enough to be free.