Lesbianism is on the increase even in countries that criminalise such a sexual union. Even the Church is not left out of this because Satan has crept in with different forms of heresies. Many Christians do not care about what they wear. Many do not read carefully the inscriptions on their clothes. Some who read end up with the conclusion of “it doesn’t matter”. I was so shocked when I saw a Christian who wore this shirt to the Church. This writeup, “Dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians” is a very dirty and sensual expression. I thought no Christian who professes Christ would dare wear anything as dirty as this.
I took this photo because I want our Christian youths to be wiser. We have to know that it is not every cloth that is in the market that a true believer should buy. Christians are to show Jesus Christ to this lost world and not to walk in the broad way of this world.
Now that you have read this could you please take a look at your wardrobe to see if there is any dress that does not represent your Christian profession?